Scripture says, “every good thing and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow” (James 1:17). God is loving and good. We know from reading of His involvement with a host of men and women of faith in the Old Testament that He always acts on behalf of His people in a compassionate, caring way.
In spite of God’s love for us He still gets blamed when bad things happen in life. You have heard, “Why, why did God do this?” or, “Why did God let this happen? He is either unloving or impotent!”
In the beginning God created mankind and everything was very good (Genesis 1:31). God put Adam and Eve in the garden where they were blessed beyond
comprehension. They never had a bad day, but walked with God in intimate fellowship, enjoying His constant favor, love and protection. They didn’t have to deal with death because they ate from the tree of life. However, when they ate from the forbidden tree they were cast out of the garden, cut off from God’s wonderful fellowship, and had to face death.
Do you think Adam and Eve stood outside the gate of the garden griping and complaining about an unloving God? Did they challenge His kindness, wondering
whether or not there really was a God? Of course not! They knew that God is loving, omnipotent and good and the bad things that were happening to them were a result of sin. They lived with that… and they died with it.
ALL evil is the result of sin. It might be your sin, someone else’s sin, or simply the consequences of a world filled with sin, but not because God is unloving, impotent, or non-existent. The key is to live a life of faith in Jesus so that when the end comes we can live eternally in a place called heaven where everything indeed is good.