“Then he put a little child among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, ‘Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but also my Father who sent me’.”
Mark 9:36–37
Our children’s teachers are passionate about helping every child to grow in Christ. We want to help your children know God’s love and learn to grow closer to Him in relevant, age-appropriate ways.
Our volunteers in the children’s programs undergo background checks for your children’s safety. It is also essential for parents to personally bring their child and pick-up their child at the classroom (Nursery, Bible classes and Joy Explosion) or check-in station (Awana and VBS).
Sunday Mornings:
Bible Classes (9:00 – 10:00 am):
Cradle Roll (infant to 18 months)
Little Land (18 months to Kindergarten)
Elementary (First through Sixth grade)
Worship Service:
Nursery (10:00-11:00) – Birth to 18 months
Joy Explosion (10:30-11:00) – 2-5 yrs
Wednesday Nights:
Awana Program during school year (2 yrs – 6th grade)
Vacation Bible School during summer months (2 yrs – 2nd grade)