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Ski by Faith

Blind-SkierA few years ago the evening news featured an unusual event at Vail, Colorado. There were people skiing down the slopes in pairs. The newscaster said, “One of the people in each group should not be skiing down the Rocky Mountains because they are blind.” Imagine skiing down the slopes in the Rockies with a blindfold on. Your only way of avoiding trees is to turn when your partner gives you the word or nudges you on the shoulder. (When I skied, I had enough problems with my eyes open!)

When these people were asked by the media if they were afraid to ski with no sight, one young woman responded, “No! Actually we have an advantage because we can’t see how scary it is – so we just enjoy the trip down the slope.”

What a tremendous lesson for Christians! There is the temptation to control our lives. There is the struggle within to know exactly what God is doing in our lives so we can help Him make adjustments around this curve and that tree. Who in the world wants to live everyday like a blind skier? You would have to depend on someone else to get you all the way from the top to the bottom of the hill. But that is the beauty of being a Christian. We can relax and enjoy the ride because the one guiding us is God, and He will bring us safely to the end.

Ski by faith!!!

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7


Walnut Hill Church of Christ
10550 Marsh Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
(214) 351-3731
Mon-Thu 8:30-4:30 pm
Fri 8:30-12:00 p.m.
  9:00 a.m. - Bible Classes
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service


  7:00 p.m. - Bible Study
12 Step Drug & Alcohol Recovery
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(Mike Meierhofer 214-533-4266)
TUESDAY - 1st & 3rd 
Grief Recovery Meetings at 6:30
(John Wood jpwood3@outlook.com or 469-644-6689)