Thoughts About Son-shine

Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

We feel great responsibility to uphold the family name of Christian. We feel a burden on our heart to bring glory to our Father in heaven.

We love to let our light shine (not shine our light in arrogance) so that others see Jesus living in us.

We desperately desire to become more like Jesus in prayer, love, and service.

We experience great joy and humility when someone tells us they know we are a Christian by the way we treat

We desire more than anything to bring glory to God’s name in all things. We dream of pleasing Him. Our greatest nightmare is bringing shame upon the name of God by our words or actions.

We crave intimacy with God; others see that in us and are moved to seek Jesus also.

We admit that it is difficult to live an exemplary Christian life; we also confess it is easier when our heart is totally surrendered to Jesus as Savior and Lord.

We will be more consistent in our spiritual walk if we envision the angels of God circling His throne as they watch His sons and daughters live out their lives on earth in faithfulness.

We excel in our labor for the Lord because our salvation is based on gratitude for the obedience of Jesus on the cross rather than our feeble attempt to earn our way to heaven through our works. Others see that “gratitude in action” and come to Jesus as well.


Walnut Hill Church of Christ
10550 Marsh Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
(214) 351-3731
Mon-Thu 8:30-4:30 pm
Fri 8:30-12:00 p.m.
  9:00 a.m. - Bible Classes
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service


  7:00 p.m. - Bible Study
12 Step Drug & Alcohol Recovery
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(Mike Meierhofer 214-533-4266)
TUESDAY - 1st & 3rd 
Grief Recovery Meetings at 6:30
(John Wood or 469-644-6689)