1. Thou shalt accept thy mate for what he/she is.
2. Thou shalt not take thy wife/husband for granted.
3. Thou shalt not dump all the troubles of a rough day into your mate’s lap in one grumpy moment.
4. Thou shalt reserve time for aloneness away from children, neighbors, and in-laws. Thou shalt take occasional honeymoons.
5. Thou shalt develop the art of admitting thy faults. An honest “I’m sorry” is soothing.
6. Thou shalt not throw a lighted match unto spilled gasoline.
7. Thou shalt speak in plural – not “My home” but “Our home” not “My career” but “Our career” not “My baby” but “Our baby” not “My vacation” but “Our vacation”.
8. Thou shalt say with Joshua “…as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15). Thou shalt worship together and serve together in the same church, and pray together.
9. Thou shalt provide the children with firm and loving discipline.
10. Thou shalt think more of thy spouse and children than of thine own career /hobbies.