Lamb of God

Some began to spit at Him, and to blindfold Him, and to beat Him with their fists, and to say to Him, “Prophesy!” And the officers received Him with slaps in the face” (Mark 14:65).

During a recent morning devotional, I camped out on a verse I’ve read 100 times over the years. I slowed down and read it over and over again. I replayed the abuse Jesus endured in my mind. I could see despicable, evil people spitting on the respectable, holy Jesus. I could hear the punches they threw onto His body. (John 19:3 records the blows were to His face – a sound hard to listen to.) Add to the physical torture the humiliation He experienced as they taunted Him. Imagine what went through His “God mind” as they mocked Him! They didn’t realize He actually was (and is) the Christ of God. “Like a lamb led to slaughter…”. They slapped Jesus in His face. And they are just getting started. He hasn’t been whipped yet! He hasn’t had nails driven through His hands and feet so they could securely fasten Him to a cross and let Him suffer and die. How horrifying!

I am sad Jesus suffered as an evildoer when He was completely innocent. I do not know how He restrained Himself from blinking an eye and blowing up His executioners. I owe Him everything. He endured all of that for sinners like me from a heart of pure love.

Read Mark 14:55-65. Then listen to Lamb of God – A Cappella.

Walnut Hill Church of Christ
10550 Marsh Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
(214) 351-3731
Mon-Thu 8:30-4:30 pm
Fri 8:30-12:00 p.m.
  9:00 a.m. - Bible Classes
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service


  7:00 p.m. - Bible Study
12 Step Drug & Alcohol Recovery
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(Mike Meierhofer 214-533-4266)
TUESDAY - 1st & 3rd 
Grief Recovery Meetings at 6:30
(John Wood or 469-644-6689)