Parenting IS Rocket Science

There are a lot of things in life that are not as complicated as people make them out to be. Maybe it’s learning to ride a bike or bake a pie – maybe it’s caulking some trim on the house or programming your DVR. Many things are not as difficult to do well as we think there are. The saying we use is, “You know, it’s not rocket science.”

Then there is parenting. Effective parenting is harder than science. It’s tough work – it’s not for cowards – it is a humbling task to say the least. And, any parent worth listening to will humbly admit that it is a humbling experience because kids can be independent, stubborn, self-willed, and downright hard to deal with. As they grow up most land on their feet. It is naïve to think we can just force kids to do what we want to them to do and everything will work out Jim Dilly Dandy. That-will work for the first 3-4 years of their life and then you’ll have Johnny Rebel on your hands for 3-4 decades.

There are some things that are very effective, and I would suggest reading, attending seminars, and studying hard to become a better Christian parent. I recently ran across an old article entitled “Ten Commandments for Parents as Written By a Teenager.” I am quite confident it was written by an adult but we will get help anywhere we can.

Don’t spoil me. Don’t give me everything I ask for. I’ll ask for more.

  1. Be firm with me. “Don’t spare the rod.”
  2. Don’t pull authority on me. If I ask why I have to do something, don’t say, “Because I said so.” If you have to prove your authority, you have none.
  3. Don’t correct me in front of others. Embarrassment leads to resentment.
  4. Don’t make rash promises. If you can’t deliver what you say you will. Don’t tell me that you can. Broken promises are far more painful than broken bones.
  5. Don’t tax my honesty. Don’t put me in a position that would tempt me to lie.

Don’t put me off when I’m inquisitive. If you’re too busy for your children, you shouldn’t be a parent.

Don’t say that you’re perfect. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Don’t fail to apologize. You’re never too big to say you’re sorry.

  1. Don’t worry when I say, “I hate you!” No matter how often I get mad at you, I love you. I owe you a debt that no amount of money can repay. Only my continued love for you can pay you back for what you’ve done for me.


Walnut Hill Church of Christ
10550 Marsh Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
(214) 351-3731
Mon-Thu 8:30-4:30 pm
Fri 8:30-12:00 p.m.
  9:00 a.m. - Bible Classes
10:00 a.m. - Worship Service


  7:00 p.m. - Bible Study
12 Step Drug & Alcohol Recovery
6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
(Mike Meierhofer 214-533-4266)
TUESDAY - 1st & 3rd 
Grief Recovery Meetings at 6:30
(John Wood or 469-644-6689)