God has blessed me greatly by granting me the privilege to preach the Good News of His Son for many years. Whether it be a Sunday morning sermon, a Sunday or Wednesday Bible class, or a one-one setting teaching the lost – I count it a great blessing and honor to tell people about Jesus Christ and His salvation. Like Paul, I believe “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God” (Ii Corinthians 3:5). Like Paul, I believe “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels…” (11 Corinthians 4:7). And like Paul I see myself “as a nobody” (II Corinthians 12:11). I am unworthy to share the Good News but I accept the commission as His preacher. I ask for your prayers that God mold and shape me in my preaching and in my daily life before Christ. I don’t know what I would do with myself if I could not preach – ask Libby ©.
I have been guilty at times of taking this privilege for granted. As I write this article I am humbled at how patient God has been with me, and how He has granted me much grace to hold me together. He knows my heart – it is all I can stand to do because of the stewardship I have from Him to preach His word (I Corinthians 9:16-17).
God has blessed me doubly by providentially guiding me to Walnut Hill 17 years ago. You have been a tremendous blessing to me and my family. You have helped me grow in my faith and in my ministry for the Lord. You have increased my faith in the power of the Holy Spirit and Word of God as I have watched Him change so many of you to become more like His Son. We make a great team for the Lord’s work here as a mission work in the middle of the Bible belt. Let’s keep growing and changing together.